1-2 Packs of Brussel Sprouts
1-2TBS Olive oil
Taste Salt & Pepper
2TBS Olive Oil
Taste Salt & Pepper
1TBS Whole Grain Mustard
½ Onion Julienne
1TBS Apple Cider Vinegar
1TBS Balsamic Vinegar
1TBS Honey
Preheat grill, Add Sprouts to a small bowl and toss with salt, pepper & oil. Place on grill and cook for about 10-12 minutes. Turning as needed & cooked to your likeness.
While Sprouts are grilling, pre heat a skillet. Add the olive oil and sauté onions until start to caramelize, add the honey, mustard and continue to sauté for a few more minutes. Add both vinegars stir to combine.
Remove the sprouts & finish by tossing the hot dressing over the grilled sprouts